F-3 Trailer Build

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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Badland-F5 Pilot »

LA F2 Flyer wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 10:41 am Well, it's been raining off and on here in LA, and never really drying out enough for me to want to start any welding. I am concerned I won't be able to finish a weld and shoot primer before the next round of rain hits.

But I did get enough of a break in the weather to tackle the leaf springs. I was able to remove two of the four leaves (leafs?) on each side and mock the suspension back up (for now). I have a new set of U-bolts on the way, as well as the brackets to hold the leaves in line with each other. I've also come up with a simple design for the rear support, but more on that later.

While having the wheels off the ground, I gave them both a spin. The right is quite silent, and the left is a bit noisy (as in I can hear it spinning, versus the other side). I pulled the hub off and noticed that the grease on the inner bearing is brown - apparently some water worked it's way in past the rear seal and left a thin coat of rust on the roller bearing surfaces. (Not surprising - it WAS a boat trailer.) I cleaned it up as much as I could, regreased it and reassembled it for now.

When I first bought the trailer home (30 miles or so) the first thing I did after parking it was hop out and feel the hubs. Both were slightly warm to the touch, as expected. To be honest, I haven't messed with a trailer in a few years...is any noise from the hub acceptable? Perhaps even expected? Let me know! It will probably be the last thing I tackle after the build is done, since I'm not towing anywhere for now.

Looking great Peer, really nice work. As for the bearing, a lot depends on the depth of the damage and weight on the bearing. Since we have a pretty good idea that the weight is low, as long as the damage from the rust is more visible compared to actually feeling it, then you'll most likely be OK. It'll still wear out faster than normal, but most likely won't cause you any problems for some time. That leads to one other thing though, you've got the trailer in a position to replace the bearing, so if possible, I'd just get a new one, and you'll never be driving down the road thinking....what was that sound, is it the bearing going south? I also think you and I talked about Bearing Buddy's. You may want to get them, because even if the bearing is having trouble, at least grease will be fed to it and ensure the bearings have grease. https://www.etrailer.com/Trailer-Bearin ... gLxlvD_BwE

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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Thanks Todd!

I actually repacked the bearing after cleaning it up. I don't really "feel" the noise, just hear it. For now I reassembled, since I was unable to pull the inboard bearing from the spindle (too much crap build up on the spindle) but I do intend to swap it out.

I'll likely replace the entire hub, since I am using wheel bolts instead of nuts currently. (If you've ever tried to hold a heavy tire in place while trying to thread the first lug bolt, you know why I want to replace the full hub!)
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Badland-F5 Pilot »

LA F2 Flyer wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:53 pm I'll likely replace the entire hub, since I am using wheel bolts instead of nuts currently. (If you've ever tried to hold a heavy tire in place while trying to thread the first lug bolt, you know why I want to replace the full hub!)
HA! Yes I've had the "pleasure?" of having to do that, and I'll add a twist. I had a mid-50's Dodge pickup truck bed converted to a trailer. The right side was not only lug bolt style, it was righty tighty and the left side was lefty tighty! And, it had split rims!

Glad you only hear it. Most likely, there's no issue. I tell you, it's really looking great. I've got so much to catch up on, but at least that is finally happening with my upcoming flight training.

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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

I am very much looking forward to hearing how the flight training went! Keep us all posted!

I spent last night scouring the garage for scrap metal to build the tail support for the plane, and it looks like I have enough to make it happen without further investments. We will see if it pans out. I'll definitely post pics of the tail support, once I get started.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Badland-F5 Pilot »

Thanks Peer. I'm at that point where you were months ago - nervous and excited at the same time. I looked up the 152 I'll be training in, pulled down the manual, and I am reviewing pertinent parts, waking up old sleepy brain cells. I'm hoping for clear clam sky on Thursday, early afternoon.

Great on the find in the garage of the scrap metal. With the news from Chris on my kit build, me starting to fly again, and your forward momentum with the trailer, things are getting exciting! Not failing to mention the kits being built by our fellow pilots here on the Badland 103 Pilots' and Builder's forum!

I'm thinking poor Kurt must have been frozen out for the last two weeks in Dallas. I heard from my former neighbor. She said 12 degrees was the low one morning! It's been chilly here in Florida, but Thursday is supposed to have a high of 80!

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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Let's hope Kurt isn't lost in a snowdrift somewhere!

Sadly, the temps here have been ideal for working on the trailer, but it's been too wet to do any welding. Hopefully I can get back to it soon enough. I've been watching YT flyi9ng videos, and it's getting me very motivated to start (at least) taxiing my plane.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by ksatter26 »

I had a WEEK of freezing weather ... two nights of 9 degrees. Luckily I got a few books for Christmas; I hit the local library before the arctic blast; and binge-watched the first few seasons of Game of Thrones. Other than checking on the water-line into the shop washroom, I avoided the hangar all week.

We finally have projected about a week of much milder weather starting today. It's 47 degrees in the shop and the propane heaters make the environment workable However, the big wet has descended upon us and my jury-rigged hangar door weather-stripping is not up to the job of keeping out the minor flooding. I need to get on the job of replacing the stuff. New impact drill will make that an easier job. I should also have the excavator guy do a better job of grading the apron in front of the 10'x30' door.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

It sounds like you've had an adventurous time these past few weeks!

Have I mentioned before that I am envious of your hangar space? I'm sure I have, but let me do so again!
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

A little more progress has been made on the trailer. I got home to find a nice package of goodies for me.
Amazon Ubolts.jpg
I grabbed my work light (damned short winter days...I get to work and it's dark, I get home FROM work...and it's dark) and installed the bits and pieces.
New Ubolts mounted.jpg
I'm very happy to have made a bit more progress. I'm also glad I decided to replace the U-bolts; when removing one of the nuts I ended up shearing the bolt clean off.

The next step is to strap the metal into place for the front ramp supports and at least get it tack welded into place. I may tackle it on my lunch break today, weather permitting.

My friend Blaine is expected to stop by after work today and give some feedback regarding the noisy bearing (as well as the rest of my work). The shop he works for (Bear Trailersports) will sell me a new hub at cost.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Badland-F5 Pilot »

Very nice, and clean. Good lief spring tie's, all looking really good Peer. Everything is in the detail! Thanks for posting!

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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

It's always nice to make a little progress, even if it's very little. I guess the adage for the kit plane applies to the trailer as well...do a little bit each day just to keep the motivation up. Watching YouTube flight videos doesn't hurt either!
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Well, I was able to make a bit more progress over my lunch break. I managed to mock up the ramp brackets and eyeball them to where they leave enough metal on the outer edge to support the lip of the ramp and still look decent. It was a compromise, as they aren't perfect, but they will work for sure.
Brackets preweld.jpg
I pulled out the welder and got them halfway welded in, more so I could remove the clamps and start putting things away than to get it done. I still have two sides to weld on both brackets. But...one step closer!
Brackets postweld.jpg
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Plenty of progress today. I finished the welding on the front brackets, drilled the bolt holes and have it "roughed in" (primered and bolted finger tight).
The next step was to make the bracket for the tail support. I may have mentioned my intent here - to have a hinged support that can be laid under the plane while the tail is still on the ground, and strapped to just under the tail wheel spring. When lifting the plane, the bracket will hang and I'll have to guide it to sit over the rear crossmember of the trailer. I had enough time to work on a proof of concept, and this is what I came up with using whatever scrap metal I had left in the garage. The curved lower pieces were made by cutting the end of a steel tube into quarters and welding it to the flat plates.
Trailer bracket.jpg
It seems to work well, and drops right into place. Of course it may be a bit more difficult when I am holding the tail of the plane up but I have a feeling it should work fine. This is what it looks like in place.
Trailer bracket in place.jpg
The next step is to pull the noisy hub and order a replacement.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by ksatter26 »

Looking good.

My 2x4 and ply sheathing conversion pales by comparison, but I only have 8 miles of TX FM (Farm to Market) roads to my testing airfield.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Thanks Kurt. It's been a bit of work. Maybe ply would have been the way to go. Haha
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

A quick update - the welding of the tail support has been completed, and I managed to have a clear day here (so far) and was able to test loading the plane on the trailer. It rolls up the ramps nicely using the existing boat winch.
Once I had the plane winched all the way up and pushed it forward until the underside of the fuselage contacted the rear crossmember of the trailer, I attached the new support using two velcro straps. I'll still need to pad the cradle on the support so I don't scratch the paint on the plane.
Once the bracket was Velcroed in place, I lifted the plane by the ends of the wings and walked it forward until the bracket was over the crossmember. I lowered it and it slipped into place nicely. This part was my biggest concern with this method of loading.
Plane on trailer rear.jpg
It sits nicely. The next step is to weld some D-rings onto the trailer for the tie-downs. Two will crisscross going forward from the main gear, two more will criss-cross going rearward from the main gear, and two more will go to each side of the grab handle just fore the vertical stabilizer.
Please voice any thoughts or concerns! Feedback is always appreciated before I go too deep down the rabbit hole.

The project had to be shut down in preparation for rain. The skies are starting to darken, and the local news has worked everyone into a frenzy, as they are wont to do. This was apparent when we ran to the grocery store...you would have thought it was an hour before Super Bowl kick-off. We grabbed some essentials (firewood and tequila) and will settle into the afternoon and the evening relaxing...and maybe even praying for this promised (threatened?) rain. :lol:
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Mountain Cat »

So far, looks pretty darn good!
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by ksatter26 »

Really nice job Peer. Makes me want to hide my studs/ply conversion .

Stay dry.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Badland-F5 Pilot »

That is really nice. I like how level the plane is. Nice work.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Thanks guys! I feel like it's coming along nicely. After lifting the rear of the plane manually, I think I may want to reinforce that tail support a bit, but overall I think it will work out fine!
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Mountain Cat »

A strong tail support is a must for trailering. The tail is pretty heavy with the wings folded. And the longerons will not carry the load without bending.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Allen, are you suggesting that the rear mount should be further forward, or is it good under the tail spring?
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Mountain Cat »

Looks like you have it in the correct place. The longerons will not carry the weight! Nor will the tail spring by itself. Where you have it is excellent.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Gotcha. I responded pre-morning coffee and misunderstood. I think it will work out well for now but lifting the tail is obviously not the easiest option. I may experiment with a scissor jack down the road.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Mountain Cat »

I can't even find my computer without my morning pot of coffee!
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by GaryR »

Hi. I am trying to include a couple of photos of my Badland on a trailer as Chris (of Badland) loaded ,secured and hauled it to Truman from S. Dakota. This plane has made this trip several times on this trailer and then to my place 2 hr north when I bought it. At this point it has been trailer much more than it has been flown, but I hope to change that this summer. Of note are the tail feather clamps made from two pieces of padded wood boards fastened at each end with a bolt and wing nut to prevent movement of the stabilizer and rudder. Also the wood block under the tail wheel attach point. One time - it was hauled without the block and the carbon fiber leaf sprig broke. It received some “trailer rash” from that and the spring was replaced with steel and it is always supported at the attachment point since then, even when just in storage in the hanger (garage). When I tailed it home from Chris’ place in Truman it had snowed and the roads where a little sloppy so we taped every opening and covered the engine cowl and open cabin with blankets and then I washed the whole plane with lots of fresh water once in the garage and let it air dry. A enclosed trailer would be ideal but the trailer I had available was not wide enough at the rear door without taking the flaperons off. Hope fully the photos show up and are helpful to some one that is needing to trailer their Badland. GaryR
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Thanks for this Gary! These pics are helpful. I am probably going a bit overkill with my transporting method, but part of the reason is the limited space I have here in LA to store the trailer (meaning in my driveway).

Since my trailer is shorter than the fuselage, I figured the bracket was a good way to overcome that.

I'll have gust locks (control surface locks? Not sure of the proper term.) for my plane as well. I intend to make them from 1/2" PVC and the skinny pool noodles. (The 1/2" fits snuggly inside the pool noodles, so it should be ideal.

Out of curiosity, where did you get your carbon fiber tail spring? Was it from the fellow that makes various CF parts for the Minimax? I recall checking it out on his website.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by GaryR »

Hi Peer. In regard to the carbon fiber tailwheel spring, it was an upgrade option from Badland on the f-4.
This plane was built in Las Vegas before Badland moved to Minnesota. If I got the story right from Chris it was just before your kit. or right after yours and it went to a customer in S.Dakota. That is when the carbon fiber spring failed and I don’t think Chris recommends it any more. He has a new tailwheel option that looks ready good that I am going to consider as I feel the current one is too small and should sit up a little more.
Best of luck with your trailer build. It looks really good, as does your plane. Especially with that engine upgrade!
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Thanks Gary! They are both nearly ready for the first trip to the lake bed to taxi test...what's the saying? 90% done, 90% to go? haha

I may have to check out the new tailwheel option at some point. Mine seems to sit lower than I would like it to.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by ksatter26 »

I posted pictures if the aluminum rod tsil sp tail-spring somewhere in my Build Log.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

ksatter26 wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 9:46 pm I posted pictures if the aluminum rod tsil sp tail-spring somewhere in my Build Log.
I do recall seeing it. I wonder if it will fit the airframe with the original tail spring without modification. I'll have to check the Badland site.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by ksatter26 »

It's a simple solid rod fitting into the tube ends on the tailwheel horn and another welded to the airframe (secured with an AN3 bolt on each end). My kit came with a solid 4130 rod which I thought was heavy, inflexible, and overkill. Chris replaced it with a 6061T6 rod. Much lighter but still seems rather inflexible. I'll give a report during taxi testing
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Definitely keep us posted! I always thought the tail wheel springs were typically thick walled tube but never actually researched it.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by GaryR »

Maybe off topic of trailer build ,but I found the pic of Chris’ latest (I think) tailwheel which I really liked. Maybe looks too heavy but my bird is a little fat anyway. Chris advised learning to land on the one I have because it’s smallness and shortness could save the day from a ground loop on the grass runway
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by ksatter26 »

Looks pretty stout... translation: heavy.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

I would be curious to know what it weighs compared to mine. I believe mine is a section of leaf spring, and it was pretty darned heavy as I recall!
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Got a little more done on the trailer. My replacement hub arrived. The kit was complete - bearings with races already installed, dust cap, new cotter pin and grease seal. Not bad for under $40. It installed easily enough and thankfully quickly. I finished the job about an hour before the rain started here...again.

Next step is to re-load the plane onto the trailer and figure out where to weld the tie-down D-rings. I bought some that are probably a bit overkill, but better safe than sorry. The D-rings are 1/4" in diameter and roughly 3" across. I imagine they should be able to handle the load quite well.

Once the rings are welded on and some paint has been applied, time to make some gust locks and a prop cover, and I am ready to head to the testing grounds!
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

A bit more progress has been made to my trailer. I received my 3/8" D-rings for the tie-downs, so I once again loaded the plane onto the trailer and determined where the rings need to be welded on. I got the first four welded, and will likely end up with about ten total. In the process, I feel like my welding is improving, which is good. Any thoughts on that? Does the penetration and heat look about right?
As for the strapping down of the plane, does the marked location (thin red lined arrow) seem like a good place to put a ratchet strap? For the nose I will be going from the main gear forward and aft. I intend to do the same with the rear. So I may end up with eight straps total, but I prefer redundancy.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Mountain Cat »

Welds look good! Remember you're not hauling a D-9 dozer.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Mountain Cat wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 6:36 pm Welds look good! Remember you're not hauling a D-9 dozer.
Thanks! And very true...but you never know when you might NEED to!
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Badland-F5 Pilot »

Agreed, those welds look really nice. Be careful, Chris may hire you in Minnesota to help with Badland production! :lol:

Really, though, the project is looking great.

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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Todd, if Chris offered, I might just take him up on it! I have to say, welding is a lot of fun...once you get to be at least halfway decent at it, which is where I feel like I am at.

I completed the welding of the tie down D-rings. The welds got progressively better, and I have confidence that they will hold the 250 pounds I'll be towing. haha
Better weld.jpg
I grabbed some rattle cans of white primer and a white semi-gloss enamel and touched up the trailer a bit. I just have a few things to finish on the plane and I believe I am ready to head out to taxi test somewhere.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Badland-F5 Pilot »

LA F2 Flyer wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:45 pm Todd, if Chris offered, I might just take him up on it! I have to say, welding is a lot of fun...once you get to be at least halfway decent at it, which is where I feel like I am at.

I completed the welding of the tie down D-rings. The welds got progressively better, and I have confidence that they will hold the 250 pounds I'll be towing. haha

Better weld.jpg

I grabbed some rattle cans of white primer and a white semi-gloss enamel and touched up the trailer a bit. I just have a few things to finish on the plane and I believe I am ready to head out to taxi test somewhere.

It is certainly is fun once you get the hang of it. The trailer looks great! So that's my birthday present, right? :lol:

Nice work!

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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Haha...when is your birthday??? I may need to start a new build just for you!
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by ksatter26 »

Much prettier than mine. Great job ... welding., like painting, ... not my forte.

I caught a sale at Harbor Freight and picked up a nice set iof ramps. They also had d-rings on sale for $2/pair

Currently working on some removable braces/brackets to position the folded wing and support mount for the tail.

Pictures will follow.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Looking forward to the pics Kurt! And thanks. I'm pretty happy with the outcome...now we need to see how well it performs.
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by ksatter26 »

Waiting on two 3' 10-32 threaded rods. The "design" is now for a bent L-bracket drilled for 3/16" clevis fork at the rear spar tie-down (drilled 5/16" so I have a 5/16" od by 3/16" id bushing to make the attachment). At the 3/16" bushing welded to the base of the vertical stabilizer I have another L-bracket for another 3/16" clevis fork. The two will be attached by a 10-32 the threaded rod (for each wing).

Clevis fork mount at the rear spar tie-down fixture. I will bend the bracket when I get the threaded rod:


Clevis fork attachments at the vertical stabilizer ... I'll bend the bracket to position the fork/rod:


Here's the port wing root with the flapperon control cable grommet and the quick connect fitting for the pitot tubeing.

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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Kurt, I did something similar for the wing brackets, but non-adjustable...
I tack welded the flat brackets into place on the square tube, then bent them as needed to align with the tabs on the wings. (Note the ugly welds. These were some of the very first welds I did after buying my welder...)
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

The weather and my schedule finally coordinated enough for me to load the plane and test the tie down method. The wind was a bit heavier than I would have liked, but I went for it anyway.

This time I opted to try to load the main gear onto the trailer and then move one of the ramps to allow the tail wheel to roll up (versus just lifting the tail of the plane and pushing it all the way forward). The idea is to then be able to attach the rear stand while the tail wheel is near the top of the ramp and lift it directly onto the crossmember.
Tail wheel ramp.jpg
This would have worked, but I didn't have enough slack on the winch to bring the plane BACK a bit and set the stand down. And I couldn't go further forward either. I ended up holding up the tail of the plane until my wife came out to rescue me. She was pretty quick to respond to my calls and release the cable on the winch, but I still ended up with muscle aches the next day. I guess that was my workout for the day.

I've since made a mental note to not winch the plane up quite THAT far.

Once I had the tail settled onto the crossmember, I fitted the ratchet straps (eight of them) and snugged them down. It may be overkill, but I'd love a second opinion.
I was hoping to be able to tow the plane a little distance, but ran out of time, so I offloaded it and put everything away. But before I did that, I took it to the end of the driveway. I recently put a shorter (taller? - higher from the ground) trailer hitch on since the original was slamming the driveway thanks to the dip. It still taps the driveway, but much better than it was, and the plane sits nice and level.
Next step - hop on the surface roads and freeway and see how it does...
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Badland-F5 Pilot
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Re: F-3 Trailer Build

Post by Badland-F5 Pilot »

Dang, I've been missing so much while moving into my new home. This is cool and looks great. I expect you'll be answering a lot of questions as you travel around, taking the plane to different places to fly. Of course the funniest one will be "Is that an airplane?" :lol: Response, no, it's a submarine!
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