Taylorcraft Time ... etc

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Taylorcraft Time ... etc

Post by ksatter26 »

I haven't posted in a few weeks, so here's an update.

(1) Completed the trailer bed upgrade. Thompson's Water Seal did not do a good job of finishing the original 1/2" ply deck. I applied 2 coats of Olympic Sealant to the original and added a 3/16" ply deck over the original after sealing BOTH sides with 2 heavy coats of the Olympic sealant. I'll report how this holds up over time.

(2) I located an instructor (at Caddo Mills Airstrip ... my testing site) with a 1946 Taylorcraft and have been taking tail-dragger familiarization instruction. The T-Craft has heel-brakes which I'm learning to use. My instructor, Nick, suggested I fly with my shoes off for a better feel of rudder/brakes ... definitely helps. Lots of fun zipping around the patch at 60mph.

(3) I've had terrible luck with local Excavators trying to get my 700' strip leveled and work out any drainage issues from my neighbor's farm pond. I've tried 3 locals with little success (2 went out of business and the 3rd excavated a drainage path 30' from where I indicated. Nick (instructor) has a friend in "the business" and he'll be looking at my requirements later this week.

(4) I found a really small digital volt meter on E-bay. I think I paid $9 for a pkg of 5 (including shipping). I used one for testing (back-filled the circuit side with epoxy to test connectivity ... worked OK). I epoxied one to the lower starboard side of my panel and ran the wires under the hinged panel to the positive and negative busses. Works fine. I sent two to Peer so I have an extra if anyone wants it.


That's an IflyGPS app on the iPadAir. The msg says that the Dallas Area Sectional is out of date and needs to be downloaded.
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Re: Taylorcraft Time ... etc

Post by Badland-F5 Pilot »

I've used those very same volt meters on my travel trailer solar charge system. Note that they are up to .1 volt off, but plenty close enough to use. The one I had in the trailer was very reliable, no flicker or lost part of the display after over a year of constant display.

I've been playing with Avare and I like it a lot. I've tried IflyGPS but I was to impatient. I had used Avare so much that I didn't want to take the time I needed to learn how IflyGPS worked. ForeFlight was way over may head and really like using a 10# sledge on a 2 penny nail. I also tried Garman Pilot. I even signed up for it. It's also way overkill for what I'll be doing. Though, I did like it, there was still way too many features that I would never need.


By the way, I still love that instrument panel!
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Re: Taylorcraft Time ... etc

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Let me know how flying with shoes off works for you. I make it a point to wear thin form-fitting shoes (think driving shoes) when I fly. I wore somewhat clunky low cut boots the first time and it was terrible.
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Re: Taylorcraft Time ... etc

Post by ksatter26 »

The IflyGPS guys are located just 15 miles from me in McKinney, TX. it's over-kill bit I like the views and the sectionals work well.
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