Build Log Discussion - Bruce_L

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Moderators: Badland-F5 Pilot, LA F2 Flyer

LA F2 Flyer
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Re: Build Log Discussion - Bruce_L

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Looking great Bruce. I am loving watching the build move forward.

Once thing to keep in mind in regards to the transport struts...unless you intend to remove the flaperons every time you fold the wings, they aren't going to tuck in quite that tightly. I believe my wings fold to 8'2" from outside tip to outside tip. (This is with the flaperons folded up and one flaperon control arm removed.)
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Re: Build Log Discussion - Bruce_L

Post by ksatter26 »

Same with mine.
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Re: Build Log Discussion - Bruce_L

Post by Bruce_L »

Yep, I agree with both of you guys on that fact. I took some width measurements with the wings retracted and even rigged some simulated flying wires from the rudder to the horizontal stabilizer to see what hits first as the wings come back.

That's the bad news.

The good news is that my trailer is a raw chassis only at this point and I can make the walls 8 1/2 feet wide. Same as a race car transporter. But a 22 foot race car hauler weighs 3700 pound EMPTY!! And, the suspension is not set up for a 250 pound load either.

That's a project for another day since I recently discovered there is a grass strip at the airport where I am currently a tenant. I hope that the grass will be a lot more forgiving for this rookie pilot.

I walked it last week and it is very level and should have some nice turf once spring arrives. I even volunteered to be one of the mower crew.

Today I let some ADHD kick in and worked on everything else but never touched the plane not even once!

Trying to get a mental picture of the jury strut arrangement. (ANY GOOD PICTURES OUT THERE???)
Still need to crimp, bend and drill the aluminum tubing.

Cleaning and painting small parts. Got some painted parts baking in the oven right now.

Had a flying lesson arrangement for today, but the instructor cancelled. The plane was a 2 seater with control yokes, not a stick. I basically
was hoping to get some practice for the local traffic pattern at my airport. Very rural field, hardly any traffic,

Taking a few days off from the build as I have to get some things taken care of at home. Will post updates ASAP.
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