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Jumping around

Moderators: Badland-F5 Pilot, LA F2 Flyer, ksatter26

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Jumping around

Post by ksatter26 »

I seem to be really jumping around on the project build. I currently have the stb wing/flaperon ( minus control horn) hanging from brackets on the hangar door. The port wing is now in the same shape on saw horses. Both are awaiting the new flaperon control horns from Chris.

I started the project working on the gear with the split rim problems I reported ... all fixed and mounted to the fuselage.

I put in the fuel tank and associated plumbing as well as the brakes. Also installed the flap control and flaperon bell rank and push-pull cables ready for routing thru the wings.

The elevator controls are in and the rudder and tail wheel are mounted and operational.

I mounted the Polini 303 ... an adventure documenting 2 erroneous Polini mount rings. This allowed me to design, fabricate, and trial fit radiator mounts (relocated to below the engine). The trial fit allows me to position the fuel filter/lines, battery and other electrical cables, EGT, CHT and tach sensor cables. Locating and installing rubber grommets for firewall pass-thru. I'm ready to trial locate the associated coolant system plumbing. Having real trouble locating a 7/8" to 5/8" barbed hose reducer. I don't know why Polini switched to a 7/8" hose connector on their right angle coolant head fitting ... required to relocate the radiator ... when the original straight fitting and ALL others are either 5/8" or 3/8".

Even prior to picking up the kit, I worked out a rough layout of my instrument panel. I've since updated the design, shaped the panel, and mounted it to the cockpit cross-member with hinges to allow wiring access. Instrument mounting an wiring will be an interesting exercise.

I try to plan the work sessions, but sometimes get carried away and jump to another section, so I keep a list of to-dos and dones.

Hope to be better organized when it comes to wing mounting and alignments.
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Re: Jumping around

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Jumping around or not, it's been an entertaining and education read all the same. Keep the post coming, even if in no particular order. And Pictures are always welcome.

I wish this forum had existed when I started my build. Now, being near completion, there isn't much for me to post, other than in retrospect.

What do you make of the flaperon control system? I had to puzzle over it for quite some time before the functionality of it made sense to me. It's really a genius design when it comes right down to it.

I'm also looking forward to seeing the final instrument panel layout and fold-down design.
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Flaperon controls and panel

Post by ksatter26 »

The flaperon controls had me flabbergasted because, as it turns out, the control arms supplied by Chris were incorrect. The tubing on mine fit OVER the flaperon spar making it impossible to get the 1 5/8" and 2" measurements Chris describes which I believe will be required to alow the wings to fold with the flaperons in the vertical position.

It was a little cool this morning so I spent the time in my office laying out the center points for all the panel components. Doesn't look like much now but I should be able to drill/cut out the holes for all of the components. Once I get this done I can prime and paint the panel prior to installing the components. Probably go with flat black.

The hinge mechanism works nicely and I primed and painted the centerline brace after installing the #8 rivnut and wires.

Will try to post pictures between NFL playoff games.
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Re: Jumping around

Post by Badland-F5 Pilot »

Kurt, is there a paper template for the console? Just curious if there is, so designing can be done on paper first. If yes, is it a PDF print or is there a way I can get a copy? I'd like to see how my Android tablet may (or may not) fit.

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