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Drying out the shop & wing stands

Moderators: Badland-F5 Pilot, LA F2 Flyer, ksatter26

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Drying out the shop & wing stands

Post by ksatter26 »

When we get a Northwind driven rain, I get some shopfloor flooding via the gap between the concrete pad and the huge hangar door. I tried adding adhesive backed weatherstripping that just seems to get overpowered. So I did more research and ordered 3 ten foot rolls of 1/8" x 3" rubber stripping. I also acquired an impact drill which should really help in the installation (the lower door-frame is 1/16" mild steel). The rolls arrive tomorrow and I hope to get the stuff installed in a day or so.

In order to do the installation (and sweep out the rainwater), I needed to remove the wings from the storage hangers that I installed on the hangar door. So I needed to give the microphone tripod/pvc wing stands a try. I looks like they will work and allow me to have better access to the wings in various positions for covering.



During the arctic cold blast, I was able to get IflyGPS loaded and updated on my iPad Air. I couldn't resist installing it on the panel for a look-see.


The small device mounted on the starboard side is the GPS antenna, The iPad and antenna are connected to a car cigarette lighter USB mounted to the rear of the panel.
LA F2 Flyer
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Re: Drying out the shop & wing stands

Post by LA F2 Flyer »

Fantastic looking panel. It's all coming along nicely Kurt!
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