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Is the UL Sport Growing - Undoubtedly YES

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:33 pm
by Badland-F5 Pilot
Check out this YouTube video from Light Sport and Ultralight Flyer.

Re: Is the UL Sport Growing - Undoubtedly YES

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:53 am
by Badland-F5 Pilot
Yes indeed the UL sport is growing. Some of you may know of Jonas Marcinko on YouTube. He's a sort of excitement flight junky. Some think he pushes his luck while other's admire his eccentric nature. If I recall correctly, Jonas had an incident with his Capella some time back. He is in the process of rebuilding it, adding new equipment and getting it flight ready. However the itch to fly soon must be biting at him as he's purchased a used Airbike UL. He's very familiar with the Airbike as it was one of his first planes to fly many years ago. He has some work to do on the Airbike but I'm sure he'll have it up and flying soon. Here's a video that Peer/LA F2 Flyer found on YouTube which Jonas posted yesterday (3/10/2022). With higher profile YouTube content providers who are also pilots posting such videos - it's obvious that the UL Sport will grow and maybe even get back to its original height of popularity of many years ago. Jonas seems to be stoked about having an Airbike again. Here's the video -